Friday 5 September 2014

Becket Correspondence in Roger of Hoveden

Fordham.Edu - Medieval Sourcebook: Roger of Hoveden:
The Chronicle: On the Disputes between Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Henry II of England

[NB Chronology in Hoveden is not always consistent]

Index to documents quoted by Roger:

Address of the Blessed Thomas to Henry, King of England, at his Council Held at Chinon.
Constitutions of Clarendon- Becket's Letter- Desiderio desideravi
Constitutions of Clarendon- Becket's Letter to King Henry II (Late May to Early June 1166)- Desiderio desideravi
James Craigie Robertson. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.. Volume 5 MTB 154. Cambridge University Press. pp. 278–82. ISBN 978-1-108-04929-0.

Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Alexander, the Supreme Pontiff.
James Craigie Robertson. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket. Volume 5. MTB 74: Cambridge University Press. pp. 138–. ISBN 978-1-108-04929-0.

Letter of the Blessed Thomas to his suffragan bishops.
John Foxe (1838). The Acts and monuments of the Church pp. 138–.
Quae Vestro 

Letter of Pope Alexander to Henry, king of England.
Roger of Hoveden (1868). Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. pp. 241–.
MTB vol 6 pp. 553 Epistola 486

Letter of Pope Alexander to Gilbert, bishop of London, in behalf of the blessed Thomas.
MTB vol 5 pp. 200 Epistola 106

Letter of Gilbert, Bishop of London, to Pope Alexander upon the answer of the King on the Business 
of the Archbishop of Canterbury. (1166)

Letter of the Blessed Thomas to King Henry. (1166)
Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Robert bishop of Hereford. (1166)
Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Pope Alexander (1167)
Letter of Pope Alexander to Henry, king of England (1167)
Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Gilbert, Bishop of London (1167)
Letter of the suffragans of Canterbury to the Blessed Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury (1167)
Letter of the Suffragans of Canterbury to Alexander, the Supreme Pontiff (1167)
Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Gilbert, Bishop of London, with reference to the sentence pronounced against him (1168)
Letter of Thomas to the Chapter of London, upon avoiding communion with those who are excommunicated (1168)
Letter of the Blessed Thomas to Robert, Bishop of Hereford (1168)
Letter of Pope Alexander to Henry, King of England (1169)
Letter of the Suffragans of Canterbury to the Papal Legates (1169)

Letter of Pope Alexander to Roger, Archbishop of York, and Hugh, Bishop of Durham (1170)
MTB 750

Letter of Louis King of the Franks, to pope Alexander, on the death of the Blessed Thomas (1171)
MTB 734 King Louis VII of France to Pope Alexander III

Letter of Henry's representatives in Rome to Henry, King of England (1171)

Letter of Pope Alexander to the Archbishop of Bourges (1171)

Charter of Absolution of our lord the King (1172)

Letter of the same Cardinals to the archbishop of Ravenna (1172)

Decrees published at Avranches by the cardinals Albert and Theodinus (1172)


Fordham.Edu - Medieval Sourcebook: Roger of Hoveden:
The Chronicle: On the Disputes between Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Henry II of England

Roger of Hoveden; Trans: H.T. Riley (1853). The Annals of Roger de Hoveden: Comprising The History of England and of Other Countries of Europe from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201. Volume 1. H.G. Bohn.


Roger of Hoveden; Trans: H.T. Riley (1853). The Annals of Roger de Hoveden: Comprising the History of England and of Other Countries of Europe from A.D. 732 to A.D. 1201. Volume 2. H.G. Bohn.

Archive.Org - The annals of Roger de Hoveden : comprising the history of England, and of other countries of Europe from A.D.732 to A.D. 1201 (Volume 2)

Latin Texts

Roger (of Hoveden), ‎William Stubbs - 1871

Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene (Volume 1) - Roger, of Hoveden, d. ca. 1201
Introduction and notes are in English; text is in Latin

Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene (Volume 2) - Roger, of Hoveden, d. ca. 1201
Introduction and notes are in English; text is in Latin

Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene (Volume 3) - William Stubbs , Roger of Hoveden

Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene (Volume 4) - Roger, of Hoveden, d. ca. 1201


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