Wednesday 8 October 2014

Henry II's reissue of the Decrees of the council of Lillebonne, 1162

At the Council of Lillebonne [Concilium apud Julianbonam]  in Normandy presided over by Duke William the Bastard [aka the Conqueror] held at Whitsunday [Pentecost] in 1080 a long list of ecclesiastical canons applicable to the Duchy of Normandy were passed. These decrees pertain to the governing of the dukedom Normandy and define the respective rights of the Duke and the bishops. Many describe the limits to the legal powers of the bishops.

These are listed in Orderic Vitalis' Historia.

They were confirmed and re-issued by Henry I King of England [also Duke of Normandy] in 1107.

And again by Henry II on 25th  February 1162.

Raymonde Foreville writes about this latter

Raymonde Foreville (1943). L'église et la royauté en Angleterre sous Henri II Plantagenet (1154-1189). Bloud & Gay. p. 144.

Bref, certaines des coutumes de Clarendon reprennent des dispositions remontant à Henri Ier et même à Guillaume Ier, incontestablement éta­blies dans la pratique normande ; l'ensemble de la charte de 1164 s'inspire de l'idée de suprématie royale en germe dans les canons de Lillebonne et de la notion de paix du roi habilement substituée à celle de trêve de Dieu.

In short, some of the customs of Clarendon reproduce provisions which date back to Henry I and even William I, unquestionably the established practice in Normandy; the entire charter of 1164 [Constitutions of Clarendon] was inspired by the idea of ​​royal [ducal] supremacy which is to be found in embryonic form in the canons of Lillebonne and the concept of the King's Peace and the way in which this cleverly superseded the Truce of God.


Louis Ellies Du Pin; William Wotton (1698). A new history of ecclesiastical writers. The Council of Lillebonne 1080 AD: Printed for Abel Swalle and Tim. Childe. pp. 119–.

Societe de l'histoire de France. Orderic Vitalis Council of Lillebonne 1080: H. Champion. 1840. pp. 315–

Ordericus Vitalis (trans Thomas Forester 1853 The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy Volume II p. 124

Ordericus Vitalis; François Guizot (1826). Histoire de Normandie. Lillebonne 1080: Mancel. pp. 306–.

Pierre Chaplais
Journal of the Society of Archivists
Vol. 4, Iss. 8, 1973

Archives nationales (France); Alexandre Teulet; Joseph de Laborde; Élie Berger, Henri-François Delaborde (1863). Layettes du Trésor des chartes. H. Plon. pp. 101–.

Further References

Marjorie Chibnall (1996). The World of Orderic Vitalis: Norman Monks and Norman Knights. Boydell & Brewer. pp. 192–. ISBN 978-0-85115-621-7.

Christopher Nugent Lawrence Brooke (1976). Church and Government in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to C. R. Cheney on His 70th Birthday. Cambridge University Press. pp. 15–. ISBN 978-0-521-21172-7.

Michael Gervers (2002). Dating Undated Medieval Charters. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. pp. 105–. ISBN 978-0-85115-924-9.

Pierre Chaplais (1981). Essays in medieval diplomacy and administration. Hambledon Press. ISBN 978-0-9506882-2-0.

Christopher Nugent Lawrence Brooke (1976). Church and Government in the Middle Ages: Essays Presented to C. R. Cheney on His 70th Birthday. Cambridge University Press. pp. 26–. ISBN 978-0-521-21172-7.

W. L. Warren (1977). Henry II. University of California Press. pp. 95–. ISBN 978-0-520-03494-5.

A Collection of Anglo-Norman Councils
Brett, Martin
The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
Volume 26 / Issue 03 / July 1975, pp 301-308

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