Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Letter of Complaint about Becket, King Henry II to Pope Alexander, December 1170

The following is a letter of complaint which was sent by Henry II to Pope Alexander III about Becket's behaviour and the turmoil which he had created since he had returned to England from exile in France contrary to the peace agreement which had been made between them, and begging the Pope to relax certain sentences of excommunication and suspension which Archbishop Becket had executed unfairly, undeservedly and without a hearing of those accused.

Materials VII p. 418
MTB 729

Jacques-Paul Migne (1855). Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Series Latina: excudebat Migne.

Gilbert Foliot. Epistolæ. Epistola 488 Decmber 1170 J. H. Parker. pp. 288–.
Henrici Regis Epistola. ad Alexandrum Papam 

Verierabili patri summoque pontifici Alexandro, Henricus rex Angliœ, dux Normanniœ et Aquitaniœ, et comes Andegaviœ, salut em et debitam venerationem.

Si devotionis meae, pater, erga sanctitatem vestram experimentum quaeritis, et quae in vestrae promotionis initio ad honorem vestrum fideliter a me gesta sunt, elapsa forsitan a memoria non tenetis, id saltem quod mandato vestro a me nuper effectu completum est, precor ut prae oculis habeatis, et devotionem meam erga vos ex ipsa mei operis attentione plenissime, si placet, advertere cognoscatis. Hostem enim mihi infestissimum in meum et meorum, quod absit, exterminium tota sua possibilitate promptissimum, sedentem mihi semper in insidiis ut machinetur in me malum, cui convivere, ut praesens indicat casus, mors mihi est, in regno cohabitare confusio, hunc mandato vestro vestris me totum substernens pedibus in pace suscepi, et de latere meo ducatum sibi providens, ut cum pace deduceretur ad propria sollicite procurad. Quae nimirum pax non solum sibi, sed et suis plene concessa est, et homines qui meas jamdiu carnes amaris ut sic dicam, morsibus lacerare non destiterunt, qui per orbem discurrentes sinistris adversum me mundum rumoribus impleverunt, in regno meo cum pace suscepi, sollicite providens ne laederentur ab his quos laeserant, ne ab his quos offenderant, aliquid omnino moleste sustinerent. Oportebat itaque sanctitatem vestram pater, et mihi prospexisse, ne malum mihi pro bono redderetur, ne in ejus adventu cui pacem dederam, et quem cum pace susceperam,regni mei pax ilico turbaretur, et ecclesia regni, quae nihil tale meruerat, absque audientia ad falsas ejus suggestiones tanti mole gravaminis opprimeretur, ut quidam suspensioni, quidam anathemati subjecti sint, quum si defensionis sibi detur opportunitas, se nil tale meruisse, juvante Domino, per omnia probare parati sint. Unde sanctitati vestrae devotus supplico, ut si quae sunt, aut esse possunt erga me pristinae caritatis reliquiae, sententiam regni mei personis impositam, amore justitiae meaeque petitionis intuitu relaxetis, et si quis adversus eas querelam super quacumque re moverit, causam aut per vos, aut per quos vestrae discretioni placuerit examinetis, ut in jure pro se quisque respondeat, et judicialem calculum, quem meruisse convincetur, excipiat. Hoc alii non negaretis. Quod si mihi negatum fuerit, dicam quod doleo, quia nimia me severitate repellitis, et abjectum reputatis. Caetera praesentium latori magistro David, quem mihi commendavit gratia vobis intimanda commisi, quem si mihi compatiendo exaudieritis, corpus meum vobis et animam, quam jam periclitari metuo, Deo conservare poteritis. Valeat et suis exorabilem se praebeat sanctitas vestra, pater.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Immediate Aftermath to Becket's Murder


Letter in which Arnulf, Bishop of Lisieux, on behalf of all the prelates of Normandy, describes to Pope Alexander III the behaviour of King Henry II, following the murder of Thomas Becket, January 1171.

Frank Barlow (1939). Camden Third Series. Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, Letter 72 To Pope Alexander III, Early 1171: Offices of the Royal Historical Society. pp. 122–.

Frank Barlow (2011). Edward the Confessor. Yale University Press. pp. 326–. ISBN 978-0-300-18382-5.

Augustin Thierry (1856). Oeuvres complètes: Histoire de la conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands de ses causes et de ses suites jusqu'à nos jours, en Angleterre, en Écosse, en Irlande et sur le continent ; 2. Letter Arnulf of Lisieux to Pope Alexander III ca January 1171: Furne. pp. 439–.

English Historical Documents, 1833-1874. Volume II - EHD #154 Letter from Arnulf of Lisieux to Pope Alexander III ca January 1171: Psychology Press. pp. 821–. ISBN 978-0-415-14374-5. [Translation]

John Allen Giles (1846). The Life and Letters of Thomas À Becket: Now First Gathered from the Contemporary Historians. Letter CXIII: Whittaker. pp. 357–. [Translation]

Letter from Archbishop of Sens to Pope Alexander III

John Allen Giles (1846). The Life and Letters of Thomas À Becket: Now First Gathered from the Contemporary Historians. Letter 114: Archbishop of Sens to Pope Alexander III: Whittaker. pp. 317–.

Roger of Hovedon Chronica Magistri Volume 2

King Henry II's Plea of Not Guilty to the Murder of Becket in a Letter to the Pope

Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury (Canonized by Pope Alexander III, AD 1173)
Volume 7. Epistles, DXXXI–DCCCVIII, p. 440
MTB 739

Alexandro, Dei gratia summo Pontifici, Henricus rex Anglorum, et dux Normannorum et Aquitanorum, et comes Andegavorum, salutem et debitant devotionem. Ob reverentiam romanae ecclesiae et amorem vestrum, quem, Deo teste, fldeliter quaesivi et constanter usque modo servavi, Thomae cantuariensi archiepiscopo, juxta vestri formam mandati, pacem et possessionum suarum plenam restitutionem indulsi, et cum honesto commeatu in Angliam transfretare concessi. Ipse vero in ingressu suo non pacis laetitiam, sed ignem portavit et gladium, dum contra me de regno et corona proposuit quaestionem. In super meos servientes passim sine causa excommunicare aggressus est. Tantam igitur protervitatem hominis non ferentes, excommunicati et alii de Anglia irruerunt in eum, et, quod dicere sine dolore non valeo, occiderunt. Quia igitur iram quam contra illum dudum conceperam, timeo causam huic malefielo praestitisse, Deo teste, graviter sum turbatus. Et quia in hoc facto plus famae meae quam conscientiae timeo, rogo serenitatem vestram ut in hoc articulo me salubris consilii medicamine foveatis.

To Alexander, by the grace of God, the Supreme Pontiff, from Henry, king of the English, and duke of the Normans and of the Aquitains, and count of the Angevins, I greet and owe devotion. It is out of reverence to the Church of Rome, and for the love of you, which, as God can testify, I have endeavoured to be faithful and serve constantly up till now that I conceeded Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, in accordance with your command, peace and restoration of his property in full, and gave to him a respectable amount of provisions for him to be able to cross over the sea back to England. Truly he himself made his return not in the joy of peace, but carrying fire and sword, whilst against me he has brought into question matters concerning crown and kingdom. Above all everywhere without cause he brought down excommunication upon those who serve me. In consequence so great has been the unbearable impudence of the man, that the excommunicated and others from England have attacked him, and, about which I am not strong enough to be able tell of without pain, they have killed him. Since it was not long ago that I showed that I was angry with him, I fear [it might be seen that] I may be prejudged to have caused this crime. about which as God can testify, I am deeply troubled. And because I fear this is more a rumour about me than the truth, I beg your serene highness, in this matter, to comfort me with the medecine of your wholesome counsel.

Thomas Greenwood (1865). Cathedra Petri: Books XII & XIII. From the concordat of Worms (A.D. 1122) to the close of the pontificate of Innocent III. (A.D. 1216). Henry's Exculpation to the Pope: Macintosh and Hunt. pp. 263–.